
still mobile, just smol

the same considered coffee you love, just a little more compact

must knows

The cart requires on-site power. Specifically, a standard 110/120V outlet within 25 feet of the cart).

We'll bring our own water, but unlike the bus, it's not stored in hidden tanks. You may see a water jug or two. This is the same RO water we use on the bus.


We can offer our full menu via the Cart — or you can choose a limited menu for a simple + easeful service.

Our cart features the same brands as the Bus. State of the art equipment — even if it's a tad bit tinier — makes all the difference.

Just like at the Bus, we accept cash, card, and tap-to-pay at the Cart, in the case that you did not pay in full for your event.

You can expect the same Considered staff you've come to love when you book the Cart.

Same high-quality ingredients, same reverence for process and details. 

Your Considered coffee will be just as delicious as you remember.

great for

— events held at venues more than 15 miles from Santa Barbara (or venues that our old 1965 VW Bus can't navigate to)

— private events (not pop ups)

— events with 50 or fewer guests

— events formatted such that there will be a steady trickle of guests (vs all guests arriving at once, or in a few large waves)
— events held in intimate and/or indoor settings

— events on days when the Bus is already booked

— events that are ballin' on a budget

can we help you find something?


If you have other ideas, we're down to hear them. Drop us a line and we'll help you design an experience that exceeds all expectations.









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