meet the team


Our founder and coffee-drinker in chief, Pia is the business and marketing brain behind Considered. Find her dreaming up new ways for us to do coffee differently, reminding us that 'meh' won't make the cut, or deep in a spreadsheet solving the industry's problems.


amelia a.

Events Manager

She's inquisitive, adventurous, and an OG on the Considered team. She's got a killer voice, too. You can find her making sure your event goes down just the way you wanted. While you may not see her at the Bus, she's online every day working BTS.



Girl is fierce. She grew up hustling glow sticks at Grateful Dead shows, and her style is on point. Her most important role on the team? Teaching us all the newest Gen Z lingo, and making Pia feel old AF. Known to say things like: slay, gorgeous, girl-coated. 



Nat is our resident bus-fixer, mechanic, plumber, and more. She also makes a mean cortado. Quick learner and quicker cup stamper. Past jobs include working on a fishing boat, she has a forklift license, and she's likely to know someone you do.



Vanessa makes stunning latte art, bakes in her free time (and has a food blog), and has a dry sense of humor that will sneak up on you. She's a twin, and a trained actress, too. 



Amazing sense of style, and an even better smile. Corina will likely charm your pants off when you visit the bus, and is sure to make you feel special. She's a local, and a seamstress when she's not working at Considered. 



You'll be shocked to learn that Zoey is a Swifty. We know — it doesn't fit her aesthetic. Ask her about her TSwift conspiracy theory. She lives in a van with her cat, Phoebe, and is active in the IV music scene.



We're always looking for baristas to join our team. If you love coffee, career growth, and/or customer experience, we'd love to chat with you.


we consider ourselves wildly capable women


Note: everything on this calendar is subject to change based on event bookings, inclement weather, mechanical issues with our 60-year old bus, and staffing. 

Signing up for daily texts or watching our Instagram stories is the best way to know where we are on any given day — it's the most up to date info.

we're chasers of excellent experiences


woman owned + led

With a leadership team that hails from hospitality, creative agency, and marketing strategy  backgrounds, we’ve ditched food/bev standards for better business practices. We're sick + tired of 'that's the way it's always been done' when that way straight up does not make sense. And we've got the spreadsheets to prove it. Plus, we source key components from woman-owned businesses, too. 

*chefs kiss*

We love coffee. It might be our one true love, to be honest. But our favorite side chick we can't seem to kick is the desire to consume things that are truly exceptional. Things that make you want to linger longer. That make you feel seen and understood in all your utter humanness. That make you wonder, why aren't more people doing it like this. Did we mention we have really high expectations?

agile + adaptive

We don't pretend to have it all figured out. We make decisions based on what our best customers tell us, and we iterate with intention. We love to dig into the data in the name of continuous improvement. We like to think we're feelings-forward people, but we aren't afraid to tell you to f*ck off if you're not being nice. Oh, and we're known for nuances that make everything feel thought-through.

it was an accident.

we didn't think of this idea, it just sorta happened.

We didn't set out to start a coffee company, and certainly not in a VW Bus. 

It just sorta happened. Oops? 

Our love for making consumer experiences exceptional and building businesses that change narratives, our deep appreciation for a good cup of coffee, and our sentimental attachment to vintage VW vehicles (and a healthy dose of patriarchal push-back) landed us here. 

And now that we are, we're gonna make the most of it. We're here to shake things up, make some people uncomfortable, inspire us all to do better, and serve a damn good cup of coffee while we do. 

can we help you find something?


If you have other ideas, we're down to hear them. Drop us a line and we'll help you design an experience that exceeds all expectations.






